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#Vulnerabilities 26
Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2024-02-07 CVE-2024-24563 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Arrays can be keyed by a signed integer, while they are defined for unsigned integers only. The typechecker doesn't throw when spotting the usage of an `int` as an index for an array. The typechecker allows the usage of signed integers to be used as indexes to arrays. The vulnerability is present in different forms in all versions, including `0.3.10`. For ints, the 2's complement representation is used. Because the... Vyper 9.8
2024-02-05 CVE-2024-24559 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM. There is an error in the stack management when compiling the `IR` for `sha3_64`. Concretely, the `height` variable is miscalculated. The vulnerability can't be triggered without writing the `IR` by hand (that is, it cannot be triggered from regular vyper code). `sha3_64` is used for retrieval in mappings. No flow that would cache the `key` was found so the issue shouldn't be possible to trigger when compiling the compiler-generated... Vyper 5.3
2024-02-02 CVE-2024-24560 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine. When calls to external contracts are made, we write the input buffer starting at byte 28, and allocate the return buffer to start at byte 0 (overlapping with the input buffer). When checking RETURNDATASIZE for dynamic types, the size is compared only to the minimum allowed size for that type, and not to the returned value's length. As a result, malformed return data can cause the contract to mistake data from the... Vyper 5.3
2024-02-01 CVE-2024-24561 Vyper is a pythonic Smart Contract Language for the ethereum virtual machine. In versions 0.3.10 and earlier, the bounds check for slices does not account for the ability for start + length to overflow when the values aren't literals. If a slice() function uses a non-literal argument for the start or length variable, this creates the ability for an attacker to overflow the bounds check. This issue can be used to do OOB access to storage, memory or calldata addresses. It can also be used to... Vyper 9.8
2024-01-30 CVE-2024-24567 Vyper is a pythonic Smart Contract Language for the ethereum virtual machine. Vyper compiler allows passing a value in builtin raw_call even if the call is a delegatecall or a staticcall. But in the context of delegatecall and staticcall the handling of value is not possible due to the semantics of the respective opcodes, and vyper will silently ignore the value= argument. If the semantics of the EVM are unknown to the developer, he could suspect that by specifying the `value` kwarg, exactly... Vyper 5.3
2024-01-18 CVE-2024-22419 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The `concat` built-in can write over the bounds of the memory buffer that was allocated for it and thus overwrite existing valid data. The root cause is that the `build_IR` for `concat` doesn't properly adhere to the API of copy functions (for `>=0.3.2` the `copy_bytes` function). A contract search was performed and no vulnerable contracts were found in production. The buffer overflow can result in the change of... Vyper 9.8
2023-12-13 CVE-2023-46247 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Contracts containing large arrays might underallocate the number of slots they need by 1. Prior to v0.3.8, the calculation to determine how many slots a storage variable needed used `math.ceil(type_.size_in_bytes / 32)`. The intermediate floating point step can produce a rounding error if there are enough bits set in the IEEE-754 mantissa. Roughly speaking, if `type_.size_in_bytes` is large (> 2**46), and... Vyper 7.5
2023-05-19 CVE-2023-32675 Vyper is a pythonic Smart Contract Language for the ethereum virtual machine. In contracts with more than one regular nonpayable function, it is possible to send funds to the default function, even if the default function is marked `nonpayable`. This applies to contracts compiled with vyper versions prior to 0.3.8. This issue was fixed by the removal of the global `calldatasize` check in commit `02339dfda`. Users are advised to upgrade to version 0.3.8. Users unable to upgrade should avoid... Vyper 5.3
2023-09-27 CVE-2023-42460 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM. The `_abi_decode()` function does not validate input when it is nested in an expression. Uses of `_abi_decode()` can be constructed which allow for bounds checking to be bypassed resulting in incorrect results. This issue has not yet been fixed, but a fix is expected in release `0.3.10`. Users are advised to reference pull request #3626. Vyper 7.5
2023-09-18 CVE-2023-42443 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). In version 0.3.9 and prior, under certain conditions, the memory used by the builtins `raw_call`, `create_from_blueprint` and `create_copy_of` can be corrupted. For `raw_call`, the argument buffer of the call can be corrupted, leading to incorrect `calldata` in the sub-context. For `create_from_blueprint` and `create_copy_of`, the buffer for the to-be-deployed bytecode can be corrupted, leading to deploying... Vyper 8.1