The HTTP/2 protocol allows a denial of service (server resource consumption) because request cancellation can reset many streams quickly, as exploited in the wild in August through October 2023.
Http_server, Opensearch_data_prepper, Apisix, Solr, Tomcat, Traffic_server, Swiftnio_http\/2, Caddy, Connected_mobile_experiences, Crosswork_data_gateway, Crosswork_zero_touch_provisioning, Data_center_network_manager, Enterprise_chat_and_email, Expressway, Firepower_threat_defense, Fog_director, Ios_xe, Ios_xr, Iot_field_network_director, Nx\-Os, Prime_access_registrar, Prime_cable_provisioning, Prime_infrastructure, Prime_network_registrar, Secure_dynamic_attributes_connector, Secure_malware_analytics, Secure_web_appliance_firmware, Telepresence_video_communication_server, Ultra_cloud_core_\-_policy_control_function, Ultra_cloud_core_\-_serving_gateway_function, Ultra_cloud_core_\-_session_management_function, Unified_attendant_console_advanced, Unified_contact_center_domain_manager, Unified_contact_center_enterprise, Unified_contact_center_enterprise_\-_live_data_server, Unified_contact_center_management_portal, Debian_linux, H2o, Jetty, Envoy, Big\-Ip_access_policy_manager, Big\-Ip_advanced_firewall_manager, Big\-Ip_advanced_web_application_firewall, Big\-Ip_analytics, Big\-Ip_application_acceleration_manager, Big\-Ip_application_security_manager, Big\-Ip_application_visibility_and_reporting, Big\-Ip_carrier\-Grade_nat, Big\-Ip_ddos_hybrid_defender, Big\-Ip_domain_name_system, Big\-Ip_fraud_protection_service, Big\-Ip_global_traffic_manager, Big\-Ip_link_controller, Big\-Ip_local_traffic_manager, Big\-Ip_next, Big\-Ip_next_service_proxy_for_kubernetes, Big\-Ip_policy_enforcement_manager, Big\-Ip_ssl_orchestrator, Big\-Ip_webaccelerator, Big\-Ip_websafe, Nginx, Nginx_ingress_controller, Nginx_plus, Proxygen, Fedora, Go, Http2, Networking, Grpc, Http, Istio, Jenkins, Http2, Kong_gateway, Armeria, Linkerd, \.net, Asp\.net_core, Azure_kubernetes_service, Cbl\-Mariner, Visual_studio_2022, Windows_10_1607, Windows_10_1809, Windows_10_21h2, Windows_10_22h2, Windows_11_21h2, Windows_11_22h2, Windows_server_2016, Windows_server_2019, Windows_server_2022, Astra_control_center, Oncommand_insight, Netty, Nghttp2, Node\.js, Openresty, Contour, 3scale_api_management_platform, Advanced_cluster_management_for_kubernetes, Advanced_cluster_security, Ansible_automation_platform, Build_of_optaplanner, Build_of_quarkus, Ceph_storage, Cert\-Manager_operator_for_red_hat_openshift, Certification_for_red_hat_enterprise_linux, Cost_management, Cryostat, Decision_manager, Enterprise_linux, Fence_agents_remediation_operator, Integration_camel_for_spring_boot, Integration_camel_k, Integration_service_registry, Jboss_a\-Mq, Jboss_a\-Mq_streams, Jboss_core_services, Jboss_data_grid, Jboss_enterprise_application_platform, Jboss_fuse, Logging_subsystem_for_red_hat_openshift, Machine_deletion_remediation_operator, Migration_toolkit_for_applications, Migration_toolkit_for_containers, Migration_toolkit_for_virtualization, Network_observability_operator, Node_healthcheck_operator, Node_maintenance_operator, Openshift, Openshift_api_for_data_protection, Openshift_container_platform, Openshift_container_platform_assisted_installer, Openshift_data_science, Openshift_dev_spaces, Openshift_developer_tools_and_services, Openshift_distributed_tracing, Openshift_gitops, Openshift_pipelines, Openshift_sandboxed_containers, Openshift_secondary_scheduler_operator, Openshift_serverless, Openshift_service_mesh, Openshift_virtualization, Openstack_platform, Process_automation, Quay, Run_once_duration_override_operator, Satellite, Self_node_remediation_operator, Service_interconnect, Service_telemetry_framework, Single_sign\-On, Support_for_spring_boot, Web_terminal, Traefik, Varnish_cache
Varnish Cache, with HTTP/2 enabled, allows request smuggling and VCL authorization bypass via a large Content-Length header for a POST request. This affects Varnish Enterprise 6.0.x before 6.0.8r3, and Varnish Cache 5.x and 6.x before 6.5.2, 6.6.x before 6.6.1, and 6.0 LTS before 6.0.8.
Debian_linux, Fedora, Varnish_cache, Varnish_cache, Varnish_cache
In Varnish Cache before 6.6.2 and 7.x before 7.0.2, Varnish Cache 6.0 LTS before 6.0.10, and and Varnish Enterprise (Cache Plus) 4.1.x before 4.1.11r6 and 6.0.x before 6.0.9r4, request smuggling can occur for HTTP/1 connections.
Debian_linux, Fedora, Varnich_cache, Varnish_cache, Varnish_cache_plus, Varnish_cache
In Varnish Cache 7.0.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2, and 7.1.0, it is possible to cause the Varnish Server to assert and automatically restart through forged HTTP/1 backend responses. An attack uses a crafted reason phrase of the backend response status line. This is fixed in 7.0.3 and 7.1.1.
Fedora, Varnish_cache
An HTTP Request Forgery issue was discovered in Varnish Cache 5.x and 6.x before 6.0.11, 7.x before 7.1.2, and 7.2.x before 7.2.1. An attacker may introduce characters through HTTP/2 pseudo-headers that are invalid in the context of an HTTP/1 request line, causing the Varnish server to produce invalid HTTP/1 requests to the backend. This could, in turn, be used to exploit vulnerabilities in a server behind the Varnish server. Note: the 6.0.x LTS series (before 6.0.11) is affected.
Debian_linux, Fedora, Varnish_cache, Varnish_cache_plus, Varnish_cache
An issue was discovered in Varnish Cache 7.x before 7.1.2 and 7.2.x before 7.2.1. A request smuggling attack can be performed on Varnish Cache servers by requesting that certain headers are made hop-by-hop, preventing the Varnish Cache servers from forwarding critical headers to the backend.
Fedora, Varnish_cache
varnish 3.0.3 uses world-readable permissions for the /var/log/varnish/ directory and the log files in the directory, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information by reading the files. NOTE: some of these details are obtained from third party information.
An issue was discovered in Varnish Cache before 6.0.4 LTS, and 6.1.x and 6.2.x before 6.2.1. An HTTP/1 parsing failure allows a remote attacker to trigger an assert by sending crafted HTTP/1 requests. The assert will cause an automatic restart with a clean cache, which makes it a Denial of Service attack.
Debian_linux, Varnish_cache, Varnish_cache
Varnish before 3.0.5 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (child-process crash and temporary caching outage) via a GET request with trailing whitespace characters and no URI.
Varnish, Varnish_cache
Varnish 3.x before 3.0.7, when used in certain stacked installations, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary HTTP headers and conduct HTTP response splitting attacks via a header line terminated by a \r (carriage return) character in conjunction with multiple Content-Length headers in an HTTP request.
Debian_linux, Varnish_cache