



This might be proprietary software.

#Vulnerabilities 2
Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2006-12-21 CVE-2006-6104 The System.Web class in the XSP for ASP.NET server 1.1 through 2.0 in Mono does not properly verify local pathnames, which allows remote attackers to (1) read source code by appending a space (%20) to a URI, and (2) read credentials via a request for Web.Config%20. Xsp N/A
2006-09-12 CVE-2006-2658 Directory traversal vulnerability in the xsp component in mod_mono in Mono/C# web server, as used in SUSE Open-Enterprise-Server 1 and SUSE Linux 9.2 through 10.0, allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a .. (dot dot) sequence in an HTTP request. Xsp, Suse_linux, Suse_open_enterprise_server N/A