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#Vulnerabilities 26
Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2023-12-13 CVE-2023-46247 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Contracts containing large arrays might underallocate the number of slots they need by 1. Prior to v0.3.8, the calculation to determine how many slots a storage variable needed used `math.ceil(type_.size_in_bytes / 32)`. The intermediate floating point step can produce a rounding error if there are enough bits set in the IEEE-754 mantissa. Roughly speaking, if `type_.size_in_bytes` is large (> 2**46), and... Vyper 7.5
2023-05-19 CVE-2023-32675 Vyper is a pythonic Smart Contract Language for the ethereum virtual machine. In contracts with more than one regular nonpayable function, it is possible to send funds to the default function, even if the default function is marked `nonpayable`. This applies to contracts compiled with vyper versions prior to 0.3.8. This issue was fixed by the removal of the global `calldatasize` check in commit `02339dfda`. Users are advised to upgrade to version 0.3.8. Users unable to upgrade should avoid... Vyper 5.3
2023-09-27 CVE-2023-42460 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM. The `_abi_decode()` function does not validate input when it is nested in an expression. Uses of `_abi_decode()` can be constructed which allow for bounds checking to be bypassed resulting in incorrect results. This issue has not yet been fixed, but a fix is expected in release `0.3.10`. Users are advised to reference pull request #3626. Vyper 7.5
2023-09-18 CVE-2023-42443 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). In version 0.3.9 and prior, under certain conditions, the memory used by the builtins `raw_call`, `create_from_blueprint` and `create_copy_of` can be corrupted. For `raw_call`, the argument buffer of the call can be corrupted, leading to incorrect `calldata` in the sub-context. For `create_from_blueprint` and `create_copy_of`, the buffer for the to-be-deployed bytecode can be corrupted, leading to deploying... Vyper 8.1
2023-09-18 CVE-2023-42441 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Starting in version 0.2.9 and prior to version 0.3.10, locks of the type `@nonreentrant("")` or `@nonreentrant('')` do not produce reentrancy checks at runtime. This issue is fixed in version 0.3.10. As a workaround, ensure the lock name is a non-empty string. Vyper 5.3
2023-08-07 CVE-2023-39363 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). In versions 0.2.15, 0.2.16 and 0.3.0, named re-entrancy locks are allocated incorrectly. Each function using a named re-entrancy lock gets a unique lock regardless of the key, allowing cross-function re-entrancy in contracts compiled with the susceptible versions. A specific set of conditions is required to result in misbehavior of affected contracts, specifically: a `.vy` contract compiled with `vyper`... Vyper 5.9
2023-09-04 CVE-2023-40015 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language. For the following (probably non-exhaustive) list of expressions, the compiler evaluates the arguments from right to left instead of left to right. `unsafe_add, unsafe_sub, unsafe_mul, unsafe_div, pow_mod256, |, &, ^ (bitwise operators), bitwise_or (deprecated), bitwise_and (deprecated), bitwise_xor (deprecated), raw_call, <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, in, not in (when lhs and rhs are enums)`. This behaviour becomes a problem when the evaluation of one of... Vyper 5.3
2023-09-04 CVE-2023-41052 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language. In affected versions the order of evaluation of the arguments of the builtin functions `uint256_addmod`, `uint256_mulmod`, `ecadd` and `ecmul` does not follow source order. This behaviour is problematic when the evaluation of one of the arguments produces side effects that other arguments depend on. A patch is currently being developed on pull request #3583. When using builtins from the list above, users should make sure that the arguments of the... Vyper 5.3
2023-07-25 CVE-2023-37902 Vyper is a Pythonic programming language that targets the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Prior to version 0.3.10, the ecrecover precompile does not fill the output buffer if the signature does not verify. However, the ecrecover builtin will still return whatever is at memory location 0. This means that the if the compiler has been convinced to write to the 0 memory location with specially crafted data (generally, this can happen with a hashmap access or immutable read) just before the... Vyper 5.3
2021-10-05 CVE-2021-41122 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM. In affected versions external functions did not properly validate the bounds of decimal arguments. The can lead to logic errors. This issue has been resolved in version 0.3.0. Vyper 4.3