

Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2023-12-23 CVE-2023-7008 A vulnerability was found in systemd-resolved. This issue may allow systemd-resolved to accept records of DNSSEC-signed domains even when they have no signature, allowing man-in-the-middles (or the upstream DNS resolver) to manipulate records. Systemd 5.9
2019-10-30 CVE-2018-21029 systemd 239 through 245 accepts any certificate signed by a trusted certificate authority for DNS Over TLS. Server Name Indication (SNI) is not sent, and there is no hostname validation with the GnuTLS backend. NOTE: This has been disputed by the developer as not a vulnerability since hostname validation does not have anything to do with this issue (i.e. there is no hostname to be sent) Fedora, Systemd 9.8
2023-06-13 CVE-2023-31437 An issue was discovered in systemd 253. An attacker can modify a sealed log file such that, in some views, not all existing and sealed log messages are displayed. NOTE: the vendor reportedly sent "a reply denying that any of the finding was a security vulnerability." Systemd 5.3
2023-06-13 CVE-2023-31438 An issue was discovered in systemd 253. An attacker can truncate a sealed log file and then resume log sealing such that checking the integrity shows no error, despite modifications. NOTE: the vendor reportedly sent "a reply denying that any of the finding was a security vulnerability." Systemd 5.3