

#Vulnerabilities 88
Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2018-07-23 CVE-2018-10912 keycloak before version is vulnerable to a infinite loop in session replacement. A Keycloak cluster with multiple nodes could mishandle an expired session replacement and lead to an infinite loop. A malicious authenticated user could use this flaw to achieve Denial of Service on the server. Keycloak, Single_sign\-On 4.9
2021-03-09 CVE-2021-20262 A flaw was found in Keycloak 12.0.0 where re-authentication does not occur while updating the password. This flaw allows an attacker to take over an account if they can obtain temporary, physical access to a user’s browser. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality, integrity, as well as system availability. Keycloak, Single_sign\-On 6.8
2021-03-08 CVE-2020-27838 A flaw was found in keycloak in versions prior to 13.0.0. The client registration endpoint allows fetching information about PUBLIC clients (like client secret) without authentication which could be an issue if the same PUBLIC client changed to CONFIDENTIAL later. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality. Keycloak, Single_sign\-On 6.5
2021-02-11 CVE-2020-10734 A vulnerability was found in keycloak in the way that the OIDC logout endpoint does not have CSRF protection. Versions shipped with Red Hat Fuse 7, Red Hat Single Sign-on 7, and Red Hat Openshift Application Runtimes are believed to be vulnerable. Jboss_fuse, Keycloak, Openshift_application_runtimes, Single_sign\-On 3.3
2021-02-11 CVE-2020-1717 A flaw was found in Keycloak 7.0.1. A logged in user can do an account email enumeration attack. Jboss_fuse, Keycloak, Openshift_application_runtimes, Single_sign\-On 2.7
2020-09-16 CVE-2020-10758 A vulnerability was found in Keycloak before 11.0.1 where DoS attack is possible by sending twenty requests simultaneously to the specified keycloak server, all with a Content-Length header value that exceeds the actual byte count of the request body. Keycloak, Openshift_application_runtimes, Single_sign\-On 7.5
2021-01-12 CVE-2020-14341 The "Test Connection" available in v7.x of the Red Hat Single Sign On application console can permit an authorized user to cause SMTP connections to be attempted to arbitrary hosts and ports of the user's choosing, and originating from the RHSSO installation. By observing differences in the timings of these scans, an attacker may glean information about hosts and ports which they do not have access to scan directly. Single_sign\-On 2.7
2020-10-16 CVE-2020-14299 A flaw was found in JBoss EAP, where the authentication configuration is set-up using a legacy SecurityRealm, to delegate to a legacy PicketBox SecurityDomain, and then reloaded to admin-only mode. This flaw allows an attacker to perform a complete authentication bypass by using an arbitrary user and password. The highest threat to vulnerability is to system availability. Jboss_enterprise_application_platform, Openshift_application_runtimes, Single_sign\-On 6.5
2019-10-14 CVE-2019-14838 A flaw was found in wildfly-core before 7.2.5.GA. The Management users with Monitor, Auditor and Deployer Roles should not be allowed to modify the runtime state of the server Data_grid, Jboss_enterprise_application_platform, Single_sign\-On, Wildfly_core 4.9
2020-04-21 CVE-2020-1757 A flaw was found in all undertow-2.x.x SP1 versions prior to undertow-2.0.30.SP1, all undertow-1.x.x and undertow-2.x.x versions prior to undertow-2.1.0.Final, where the Servlet container causes servletPath to normalize incorrectly by truncating the path after semicolon which may lead to an application mapping resulting in the security bypass. Jboss_data_grid, Jboss_enterprise_application_platform, Jboss_fuse, Openshift_application_runtimes, Single_sign\-On, Undertow N/A