

Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2023-10-25 CVE-2023-5380 A use-after-free flaw was found in the xorg-x11-server. An X server crash may occur in a very specific and legacy configuration (a multi-screen setup with multiple protocol screens, also known as Zaphod mode) if the pointer is warped from within a window on one screen to the root window of the other screen and if the original window is destroyed followed by another window being destroyed. Debian_linux, Fedora, Enterprise_linux, X_server, Xwayland 4.7
2023-10-25 CVE-2023-5574 A use-after-free flaw was found in xorg-x11-server-Xvfb. This issue occurs in Xvfb with a very specific and legacy configuration (a multi-screen setup with multiple protocol screens, also known as Zaphod mode). If the pointer is warped from a screen 1 to a screen 0, a use-after-free issue may be triggered during shutdown or reset of the Xvfb server, allowing for possible escalation of privileges or denial of service. Enterprise_linux, X_server 7.0
2023-11-03 CVE-2023-46846 SQUID is vulnerable to HTTP request smuggling, caused by chunked decoder lenience, allows a remote attacker to perform Request/Response smuggling past firewall and frontend security systems. Enterprise_linux, Enterprise_linux_eus, Enterprise_linux_for_arm_64, Enterprise_linux_for_ibm_z_systems, Enterprise_linux_for_power_little_endian, Enterprise_linux_server_aus, Enterprise_linux_server_tus, Squid 5.3
2023-11-03 CVE-2023-46847 Squid is vulnerable to a Denial of Service, where a remote attacker can perform buffer overflow attack by writing up to 2 MB of arbitrary data to heap memory when Squid is configured to accept HTTP Digest Authentication. Enterprise_linux, Enterprise_linux_eus, Enterprise_linux_for_arm_64, Enterprise_linux_for_ibm_z_systems, Enterprise_linux_for_power_little_endian, Enterprise_linux_server, Enterprise_linux_server_aus, Enterprise_linux_server_tus, Enterprise_linux_workstation, Squid 7.5
2023-11-03 CVE-2023-46848 Squid is vulnerable to Denial of Service, where a remote attacker can perform DoS by sending ftp:// URLs in HTTP Request messages or constructing ftp:// URLs from FTP Native input. Enterprise_linux, Enterprise_linux_eus, Enterprise_linux_server_aus, Enterprise_linux_server_tus, Squid 7.5
2023-11-03 CVE-2023-4091 A vulnerability was discovered in Samba, where the flaw allows SMB clients to truncate files, even with read-only permissions when the Samba VFS module "acl_xattr" is configured with "acl_xattr:ignore system acls = yes". The SMB protocol allows opening files when the client requests read-only access but then implicitly truncates the opened file to 0 bytes if the client specifies a separate OVERWRITE create disposition request. The issue arises in configurations that bypass kernel file system... Fedora, Enterprise_linux, Enterprise_linux_eus, Storage, Samba 6.5
2023-11-03 CVE-2023-5824 Squid is vulnerable to Denial of Service attack against HTTP and HTTPS clients due to an Improper Handling of Structural Elements bug. Enterprise_linux, Squid 7.5
2023-11-03 CVE-2023-3961 A path traversal vulnerability was identified in Samba when processing client pipe names connecting to Unix domain sockets within a private directory. Samba typically uses this mechanism to connect SMB clients to remote procedure call (RPC) services like SAMR LSA or SPOOLSS, which Samba initiates on demand. However, due to inadequate sanitization of incoming client pipe names, allowing a client to send a pipe name containing Unix directory traversal characters (../). This could result in SMB... Fedora, Enterprise_linux, Enterprise_linux_eus, Storage, Samba 9.8
2023-11-06 CVE-2023-42669 A vulnerability was found in Samba's "rpcecho" development server, a non-Windows RPC server used to test Samba's DCE/RPC stack elements. This vulnerability stems from an RPC function that can be blocked indefinitely. The issue arises because the "rpcecho" service operates with only one worker in the main RPC task, allowing calls to the "rpcecho" server to be blocked for a specified time, causing service disruptions. This disruption is triggered by a "sleep()" call in the... Enterprise_linux, Enterprise_linux_eus, Enterprise_linux_for_ibm_z_systems, Enterprise_linux_for_ibm_z_systems_eus, Enterprise_linux_for_power_little_endian, Enterprise_linux_for_power_little_endian_eus, Storage, Samba 6.5
2023-11-06 CVE-2023-40660 A flaw was found in OpenSC packages that allow a potential PIN bypass. When a token/card is authenticated by one process, it can perform cryptographic operations in other processes when an empty zero-length pin is passed. This issue poses a security risk, particularly for OS logon/screen unlock and for small, permanently connected tokens to computers. Additionally, the token can internally track login status. This flaw allows an attacker to gain unauthorized access, carry out malicious... Opensc, Enterprise_linux 6.6