

Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2024-07-01 CVE-2024-38474 Substitution encoding issue in mod_rewrite in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows attacker to execute scripts in directories permitted by the configuration but not directly reachable by any URL or source disclosure of scripts meant to only to be executed as CGI. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue. Some RewriteRules that capture and substitute unsafely will now fail unless rewrite flag "UnsafeAllow3F" is specified. Http_server, Clustered_data_ontap 9.8
2024-07-01 CVE-2024-38476 Vulnerability in core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier are vulnerably to information disclosure, SSRF or local script execution via backend applications whose response headers are malicious or exploitable. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue. Http_server, Clustered_data_ontap 9.8
2024-07-01 CVE-2024-38477 null pointer dereference in mod_proxy in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.59 and earlier allows an attacker to crash the server via a malicious request. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.60, which fixes this issue. Http_server, Clustered_data_ontap 7.5
2022-06-02 CVE-2022-27780 The curl URL parser wrongly accepts percent-encoded URL separators like '/'when decoding the host name part of a URL, making it a *different* URL usingthe wrong host name when it is later retrieved.For example, a URL like ``, would be allowed bythe parser and get transposed into ``. This flawcan be used to circumvent filters, checks and more. Curl, Clustered_data_ontap, H300s_firmware, H410s_firmware, H500s_firmware, H700s_firmware, Hci_bootstrap_os, Solidfire\,_enterprise_sds_\&_hci_storage_node, Solidfire_\&_hci_management_node, Universal_forwarder 7.5