

Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2020-01-08 CVE-2019-11760 A fixed-size stack buffer could overflow in nrappkit when doing WebRTC signaling. This resulted in a potentially exploitable crash in some instances. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 70, Thunderbird < 68.2, and Firefox ESR < 68.2. Ubuntu_linux, Firefox, Firefox_esr, Thunderbird 8.8
2020-01-08 CVE-2019-11761 By using a form with a data URI it was possible to gain access to the privileged JSONView object that had been cloned into content. Impact from exposing this object appears to be minimal, however it was a bypass of existing defense in depth mechanisms. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 70, Thunderbird < 68.2, and Firefox ESR < 68.2. Ubuntu_linux, Firefox, Firefox_esr, Thunderbird 5.4
2020-01-08 CVE-2019-11762 If two same-origin documents set document.domain differently to become cross-origin, it was possible for them to call arbitrary DOM methods/getters/setters on the now-cross-origin window. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 70, Thunderbird < 68.2, and Firefox ESR < 68.2. Ubuntu_linux, Firefox, Firefox_esr, Thunderbird 6.1
2019-07-23 CVE-2019-11707 A type confusion vulnerability can occur when manipulating JavaScript objects due to issues in Array.pop. This can allow for an exploitable crash. We are aware of targeted attacks in the wild abusing this flaw. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 60.7.1, Firefox < 67.0.3, and Thunderbird < 60.7.2. Firefox, Firefox_esr, Thunderbird 8.8
2019-07-23 CVE-2019-11718 Activity Stream can display content from sent from the Snippet Service website. This content is written to innerHTML on the Activity Stream page without sanitization, allowing for a potential access to other information available to the Activity Stream, such as browsing history, if the Snipper Service were compromised. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 68. Firefox, Leap 5.3
2019-07-23 CVE-2019-11723 A vulnerability exists during the installation of add-ons where the initial fetch ignored the origin attributes of the browsing context. This could leak cookies in private browsing mode or across different "containers" for people who use the Firefox Multi-Account Containers Web Extension. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 68. Firefox, Leap 7.5
2019-07-23 CVE-2019-11724 Application permissions give additional remote troubleshooting permission to the site, which has been retired and now redirects to another site. This additional permission is unnecessary and is a potential vector for malicious attacks. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 68. Firefox, Leap 6.1
2019-07-23 CVE-2019-11725 When a user navigates to site marked as unsafe by the Safebrowsing API, warning messages are displayed and navigation is interrupted but resources from the same site loaded through websockets are not blocked, leading to the loading of unsafe resources and bypassing safebrowsing protections. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 68. Firefox, Leap 6.5
2019-07-23 CVE-2019-11728 The HTTP Alternative Services header, Alt-Svc, can be used by a malicious site to scan all TCP ports of any host that the accessible to a user when web content is loaded. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 68. Firefox, Leap 4.7
2019-07-23 CVE-2019-11730 A vulnerability exists where if a user opens a locally saved HTML file, this file can use file: URIs to access other files in the same directory or sub-directories if the names are known or guessed. The Fetch API can then be used to read the contents of any files stored in these directories and they may uploaded to a server. It was demonstrated that in combination with a popular Android messaging app, if a malicious HTML attachment is sent to a user and they opened that attachment in... Debian_linux, Firefox, Firefox_esr, Thunderbird, Leap, Package_hub 6.5