



This might be proprietary software.

#Vulnerabilities 206
Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2023-12-12 CVE-2023-49809 Mattermost fails to handle a null request body in the /add endpoint, allowing a simple member to send a request with null request body to that endpoint and make it crash. After a few repetitions, the plugin is disabled.  Mattermost_server 6.5
2023-12-12 CVE-2023-49874 Mattermost fails to check whether a user is a guest when updating the tasks of a private playbook run allowing a guest to update the tasks of a private playbook run if they know the run ID. Mattermost_server 4.3
2023-12-12 CVE-2023-6547 Mattermost fails to validate team membership when a user attempts to access a playbook, allowing a user with permissions to a playbook but no permissions to the team the playbook is on to access and modify the playbook. This can happen if the user was once a member of the team, got permissions to the playbook and was then removed from the team.  Mattermost_server 5.4
2023-12-06 CVE-2023-6458 Mattermost webapp fails to validate route parameters in/<TEAM_NAME>/channels/<CHANNEL_NAME> allowing an attacker to perform a client-side path traversal. Mattermost_server 9.8
2023-12-06 CVE-2023-6459 Mattermost is grouping calls in the /metrics endpoint by id and reports that id in the response. Since this id is the channelID, the public /metrics endpoint is revealing channelIDs. Mattermost_server 5.3
2023-02-27 CVE-2023-27265 Mattermost fails to honor the ShowEmailAddress setting when constructing a response to the "Regenerate Invite Id" API endpoint, allowing an attacker with team admin privileges to learn the team owner's email address in the response. Mattermost_server 2.7
2023-02-27 CVE-2023-27266 Mattermost fails to honor the ShowEmailAddress setting when constructing a response to the /api/v4/users/me/teams API endpoint, allowing an attacker with team admin privileges to learn the team owner's email address in the response. Mattermost_server 2.7
2023-03-31 CVE-2023-1774 When processing an email invite to a private channel on a team, Mattermost fails to validate the inviter's permission to that channel, allowing an attacker to invite themselves to a private channel. Mattermost_server 5.4
2023-03-31 CVE-2023-1775 When running in a High Availability configuration, Mattermost fails to sanitize some of the user_updated and post_deleted events broadcast to all users, leading to disclosure of sensitive information to some of the users with currently connected Websocket clients. Mattermost_server 6.5
2023-03-31 CVE-2023-1776 Boards in Mattermost allows an attacker to upload a malicious SVG image file as an attachment to a card and share it using a direct link to the file. Mattermost_server 5.4