



This might be proprietary software.

#Vulnerabilities 2
Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2013-12-19 CVE-2013-7100 Buffer overflow in the unpacksms16 function in apps/app_sms.c in Asterisk Open Source 1.8.x before, 10.x before 10.12.4, and 11.x before 11.6.1; Asterisk with Digiumphones 10.x-digiumphones before 10.12.4-digiumphones; and Certified Asterisk 1.8.x before 1.8.15-cert4 and 11.x before 11.2-cert3 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (daemon crash) via a 16-bit SMS message with an odd number of bytes, which triggers an infinite loop. Asterisk, Asterisk_digiumphones, Certified_asterisk N/A
2013-09-09 CVE-2013-5642 The SIP channel driver (channels/chan_sip.c) in Asterisk Open Source 1.8.x before, 10.x before 10.12.3, and 11.x before 11.5.1; Certified Asterisk 1.8.15 before 1.8.15-cert3 and 11.2 before 11.2-cert2; and Asterisk Digiumphones 10.x-digiumphones before 10.12.3-digiumphones allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference, segmentation fault, and daemon crash) via an invalid SDP that defines a media description before the connection description in a SIP request. Asterisk, Asterisk_digiumphones, Certified_asterisk N/A