Main entries ~3681 :
Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2014-03-01 CVE-2014-1912 Buffer overflow in the socket.recvfrom_into function in Modules/socketmodule.c in Python 2.5 before 2.7.7, 3.x before 3.3.4, and 3.4.x before 3.4rc1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted string. Mac_os_x, Python N/A
2014-04-07 CVE-2014-0160 Heartbleed - The (1) TLS and (2) DTLS implementations in OpenSSL 1.0.1 before 1.0.1g do not properly handle Heartbeat Extension packets, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory via crafted packets that trigger a buffer over-read, as demonstrated by reading private keys, related to d1_both.c and t1_lib.c, aka the Heartbleed bug. Symantec_messaging_gateway, Ubuntu_linux, Debian_linux, Fedora, Filezilla_server, V100_firmware, V60_firmware, Micollab, Mivoice, Openssl, Opensuse, Enterprise_linux_desktop, Enterprise_linux_server, Enterprise_linux_server_aus, Enterprise_linux_server_eus, Enterprise_linux_server_tus, Enterprise_linux_workstation, Gluster_storage, Storage, Virtualization, S9922l_firmware, Application_processing_engine_firmware, Cp_1543\-1_firmware, Elan\-8\.2, Simatic_s7\-1500_firmware, Simatic_s7\-1500t_firmware, Wincc_open_architecture, Splunk 7.5
2021-09-08 CVE-2021-40346 An integer overflow exists in HAProxy 2.0 through 2.5 in htx_add_header that can be exploited to perform an HTTP request smuggling attack, allowing an attacker to bypass all configured http-request HAProxy ACLs and possibly other ACLs. Haproxy, Haproxy_docker_image 7.5
2016-06-08 CVE-2016-5108 Buffer overflow in the DecodeAdpcmImaQT function in modules/codec/adpcm.c in VideoLAN VLC media player before 2.2.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted QuickTime IMA file. Debian_linux, Vlc_media_player 9.8
2017-06-01 CVE-2017-8386 git-shell did not correctly validate the given project path, allowing an argument injection which leads to arbitrary file reads and in some configurations command execution. Ubuntu_linux, Debian_linux, Fedora, Git\-Shell, Leap 8.8
2018-04-06 CVE-2018-1000156 GNU patch is processd by ed. This allows arbitrary command executions through a line beginning with ! Ubuntu_linux, Debian_linux, Patch, Enterprise_linux_desktop, Enterprise_linux_server, Enterprise_linux_server_aus, Enterprise_linux_server_eus, Enterprise_linux_server_tus, Enterprise_linux_workstation 7.8
2018-06-08 CVE-2018-4222 There is an out-of-bounds read when compiling WebAssembly source buffers in WebKit. If the buffer is a view, the offset is added to the buffer twice before this is copied. This could allow memory off the heap to be read out of the source buffer, either though parsing exceptions or data sections when they are copied Icloud, Iphone_os, Itunes, Safari, Tvos, Watchos, Ubuntu_linux 8.8
Remaining NVD entries (unprocessed / no code available): ~260092 :
Date Id Summary Products Score Patch
2024-02-20 CVE-2024-25609 HtmlUtil.escapeRedirect in Liferay Portal 7.2.0 through, and older unsupported versions, and Liferay DXP 7.4 before update 9, 7.3 service pack 3, 7.2 fix pack 15 through 18, and older unsupported versions can be circumvented by using two forward slashes, which allows remote attackers to redirect users to arbitrary external URLs via the (1) 'redirect` parameter (2) `FORWARD_URL` parameter, and (3) others parameters that rely on HtmlUtil.escapeRedirect. This vulnerability is the... N/A N/A
2024-02-20 CVE-2024-1608 In OPPO Usercenter Credit SDK, there's a possible escalation of privilege due to loose permission check, This could lead to application internal information leak w/o user interaction. N/A N/A
2024-02-20 CVE-2024-25604 Liferay Portal 7.2.0 through, and older unsupported versions, and Liferay DXP 7.4.13, 7.3 before service pack 3, 7.2 before fix pack 17, and older unsupported versions does not properly check user permissions, which allows remote authenticated users with the VIEW user permission to edit their own permission via the User and Organizations section of the Control Panel. N/A N/A
2024-02-20 CVE-2024-25605 The Journal module in Liferay Portal 7.2.0 through, and older unsupported versions, and Liferay DXP 7.4.13, 7.3 before service pack 3, 7.2 before fix pack 17, and older unsupported versions grants guest users view permission to web content templates by default, which allows remote attackers to view any template via the UI or API. N/A N/A
2024-02-20 CVE-2024-25606 XXE vulnerability in Liferay Portal 7.2.0 through, and older unsupported versions, and Liferay DXP 7.4 before update 4, 7.3 before update 12, 7.2 before fix pack 20, and older unsupported versions allows attackers with permission to deploy widgets/portlets/extensions to obtain sensitive information or consume system resources via the Java2WsddTask._format method. N/A N/A
2024-02-20 CVE-2024-25974 The Frentix GmbH OpenOlat LMS is affected by stored a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. It is possible to upload files within the Media Center of OpenOlat version 18.1.5 (or lower) as an authenticated user without any other rights. Although the filetypes are limited, an SVG image containing an XSS payload can be uploaded. After a successful upload the file can be shared with groups of users (including admins) who can be attacked with the JavaScript payload. N/A N/A
2024-02-20 CVE-2024-25973 The Frentix GmbH OpenOlat LMS is affected by multiple stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. An attacker with rights to create or edit groups can create a course with a name that contains an XSS payload. Furthermore, attackers with the permissions to create or rename a catalog (sub-category) can enter unfiltered input in the name field. In addition, attackers who are allowed to create curriculums can also enter unfiltered input in the name field. This allows an attacker to... N/A N/A